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Answering Common Questions About the ODCE Index

Private real estate investors have likely encountered the NFI-ODCE (ODCE) index throughout their...

Core Real Estate: The Essential Asset for a Diversified Portfolio

Many institutional investors have long considered real estate, the third-largest asset class in the...

Protecting and Enhancing the Retirement Portfolio

Some retirement planners have begun to question the efficacy of the narrow 60/40 equity/bond...

5 Essential Questions to Ask the Sponsor When Evaluating a Private Real Estate Investment

As an investment advisor conducting research and due diligence for your clients, it is critical...

Managing Equity Volatility with Core Private Real Estate

If 2022 is teaching investors anything, it's that market volatility is a way of life, and patience...

Managing Interest Rate Risk with Core Private Real Estate

What a difference a few years make. Many investors had come to expect the low interest rate...

Why Private Real Estate Remains a Compelling Inflation Hedge

If you have clients over 60 years of age, they likely have vivid memories of the financial pain...

Time to Rebalance the Balanced Portfolio

2022 was not kind to investors, and advisors who have been clinging to the 60% stock / 40% bond...

With Private Real Estate, You Would Do Well to Start with Core.

As an investment advisor, you know all too well the investment headwinds your clients face today. ...